
Fonts & Preferred styles

Typography is an important part of HF’s identity and creates a distinctive look for all materials and marketing collateral. It is integral to building a unique image and strong brand recognition.

HF’s primary typeface is Helvetica. Acceptable variations are: Helvetica Neue or New / Helvetica Now. Because Helvetica is not available on all systems, other Sans Serif typefaces may be used, such as: Arial, Franklin Gothic, Montserrat, Century Gothic, Futura, or Grotesque / HF Grotesk (see “Alternative Fonts” below).

Primary Typeface

Helvetica is a clean, modern and versatile sans serif, known for its readability.


Body text runs justified, with space between paragraphs, no indents, and no hyphenation. Line spacing should be standard (between 1.0 and 1.2 – not too loose).

Styles for setting type:

Headlines/Titles should be set in Bold variations of Helvetica or a similar, clean, Sans Serif — flush left (rag right) or centered alignment. No hyphenation. NOTE: For particular projects an alternative standout font may be used for titles only.

Body text should be set in a Sans Serif font to match the header, Regular / Italics / Bold, with no hyphenation.

Alignment: Body text should be justified (left-justified) or centered (if header is centered).

Line spacing or Leading should be set between 1.0 and 1.2 type size (for example: 11.5 point body text with 14 point leading), with one-half to one full line space between paragraphs.

Indentation: Do not indent 1st line of body text paragraphs. Bulleted text and pullquotes may be indented.

Pullquotes should be set at 25-30% the size of body text and indented, either italicized with quotes or set in color with a colored line, align left or right with ample space surrounding for prominence.

Alternative Fonts

When Helvetica is not available or not practical to use (for example: internally produced documents such as email and MS PowerPoint presentations), secondary typefaces may be substituted. Sans Serif fonts that are clean, with a look similar to Helvetica, and available on different platforms are listed below (note: some alternate fonts may need to be set with different letterspacing).

Alternative fonts