
Color definitions

HF’s colors are comprised of primary and secondary / accent color palettes.

Most elements will use the primary color palette. Color definitions are provided for different color systems and uses:

  • For print, use: CMYK for full color printing (press & internal / office use), or Pantone/PMS ink colors for limited color print/press jobs.

  • For digital/online (web and social media), use: RGB or HEX colors.

Primary Colors

Secondary color palette (recommended colors)

Secondary or accent color combinations must complement the primary color palette. Assure that HF primary colors stand out, are bright and colorful, and provide contrast so that elements are legible and accessible.* See secondary color definitions.

  • COLOR ACCESSIBILTY: When choosing colors, especially when placing text on background colors, use color combinations that have enough contrast to ensure elements are distinguishable and legible for those who are visually impaired or have color vision deficiency. (Mix, match and test color pairings with a tool like Double check combinations with a color blindness simulator like